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Lady Honoria Maitland has promised her dying father that, before he breathes his last, she would find a husband to take care of her. But she wants a gentleman that loves her, not her dowry or her name. When she reunites with her old friend Benedict, she proposes a plan that will help them both: a faux courtship and betrothal. She can teach him how to woo a woman and simultaneously ease her father’s last days. But Honoria’s clever plan failed to account for Benedict’s heart...or her own. Is she strong enough to bear the loss of her father and her friend?

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All Romance E-books/Omni Lit: http://bit.ly/21vcGO8

Snippet #2
She turned his free hand
palm-up and placed hers in it. “There are other positions in which to waltz,
but this is the one I like best. It feels the most natural.”
“It’s like an embrace.
You’ve really danced like this with other gentlemen?”
She tilted her head back and
laughed a little. “Yes, though not too many times. And—fortunately—never with
someone I wasn’t fond of. Are you ready?”
He adjusted his hand on her
back, fitting it snugly against the curve of her body. “I think so.”
“Step off with your right
foot, just like before, and use your hands to turn me. Think of this”—she
squeezed his left hand—“as the prow of a ship. You lead with that. This”—her other
hand slid down his arm —“is like a rudder. A little pressure one way or the
other on my back, and I’ll know which way to turn.”
He nodded. He could do this,
if he could just concentrate on the steps rather than the woman so unexpectedly
close to him. “Got it.”
She replaced her hand on his
shoulder. “We’re ready, Aunt.”
The music began and Benedict stood still for a few moments, trying to
get a feeling for the mechanics of the steps in this new position. Honoria’s
expression and body were relaxed as she waited in the half-circle of his arm,
as if she was perfectly comfortable being there.
Ready for some Author Q&A?
5. When did you start writing, and was there a specific event or person who influenced you to become an author?
didn't start writing seriously until a handful of years ago when on
medical leave from teaching. I was having severe asthma problems and
couldn't walk the length of my (tiny) apartment without stopping to
rest, so I did a lot of reading. The reading eventually led to writing,
which I hadn't done in several years at that point. I fell in love with
it all over again, and I've been writing ever since!
6. Are you currently working on a project, and if so, can you tell us anything about it?
I'm working on the second novella in the Maitland Maidens series called Back In My Arms Again. It features Lady Cecilia Maitland (the aunt of Honoria in Save the Last Dance for Me) and the James Fitzsimmons, who was Cecilia's beau when they were young.

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