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Lia enlists the help of strapping Coop Montgomery, the head gardener and her former crush. As they search together for a way to rid the castle of its ghost, the romance she used to dream about with Coop kindles. But Lia’s gentle giant means to stay in Washington while she’s determined to return to California. She must find the courage to face both the ghost and her future.
With Coop. Or without him.

Get your copy today!

Q&A with the Author!!!
5. When did you start writing, and was there a specific event or person who influenced you to become an author?
had stories running through my head since I was a little girl. I played
around with writing short stories in college but no never anything
seriously. Then, in 2010, I decided to see if I could even write a
full-length novel. Did my own NaNoWriMo in January and wrote 80,000
words. And I was hooked.
6. Are you currently working on a project, and if so, can you tell us anything about it?
working on a novella right now for the Sweet & Sassy anthology.
I've been enjoying getting to know the characters and having fun
figuring out how I want them to get to the end I have in mind. I've also
got the first drafts written for three novels (the 3rd book in the Safe
Harbors series and a YA portal fantasy duology). Very different from
each other.
My top favorite (nonreligious) things:
- Family
- Friends
- Books
- League of Legends
- Books
- Traveling
- Books
- Movies
- Books
- Books

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