Since its inception, the Pamlico Writers Group has helped many authors achieve their dreams. Some have written and published books of their own. Others have been inspired to resurrect works long forgotten. Many have come and gone, but the Pamlico Writers Group stands as a beacon of hope to future writers and their dreams.
The Pamlico Writers Group's mission is to help other aspiring writers accomplish their goal in writing. We achieve this through our local critique group meetings, online critique groups, and by offering as an incentive to our young people, a High School Scholarship fund. We're honored to be a co-sponsor of the Pamlico Writers Conference that helps make funding possible for this scholarship. Our visions, help shape the minds of the future.
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See inside the book:
By Sherri Hollister
Chair, Pamlico Writers Group
Reflections, like the face of the moon’s silver glow on the Pamlico or
the sunlight’s dappled drops of golden light, we along the river’s edge can
view the passing of time through the ebb and flow of the tides. Our native
history lives on in our farmers, loggers, watermen, and hunters. Though times
have changed all around us, many things here in rural North Carolina have
stayed the same. Like our tar-heeled ancestors, we often dig in and remain—even
when change might be easier, even preferable.
When I first
started with the Pamlico Writers’ Group over fifteen years ago, I was unsure of
my craft, believing it only to be a hobby. On and off again, I returned to the
group over the years, gleaning information and struggling to write amid the
chaos of a busy household. As my children grew and left home, I devoted more
and more time to the dream of writing professionally. A few years ago, I came
out to friends and family, announcing “I am a writer!”
Once the gauntlet has been
laid down, it is challenging to then produce a work worthy of publishing. I
have been on the cusp many times, struggling to have my work recognized. With
the birth of the Pamlico Writers’ Group 2016 Anthology, “A Carolina Christmas,”
my dream of being published finally came true.
The effort to produce a book worthy of being published takes time and
effort, and dedicated people. This year’s anthology, “Reflections” was a labor
of love. Louis Edwards, Pamlico Writers’ Group assistant chairperson, designed
the cover. The theme was chosen by a committee vote with the hopes that the
stories and poems would be varied and reflective of each authors’ individual
interpretation of the idea.
The Pamlico Writers’ Group has evolved from a group of friends getting
together to discuss their writing, to a serious group of talented writers
sharing information, their work and assisting each other to become the best
writers they can be.
When Doris Schneider first brought the idea of the Pamlico Writers’
Conference to Jim Keen, the chairperson of the Pamlico Writers’ Group, they
could not have conceived of the changes the conference would have on the group.
With each conference we challenge ourselves to greater diversity and expansion.
We have hosted some of the greatest writers and poets in North Carolina as
keynote speakers and presenters: Jill McCorkle, Sharyn McCrumb, Zelda Lockhart
and Shelby Stephenson, just to name a few. We have met writers, agents and
publishers who have led workshops and spoken at luncheons. We have had award
winning presenters who have given blurbs for our anthologies, acted as judges,
and served as mentors to our group. As the conference grew and morphed into a
state-respected conference, our group has become the place to be in Eastern
North Carolina if you are a serious writer.
February 3rd, 2018 the Pamlico Writers’ Group will announce
their first Heart of the Pamlico Poet Laureate at the Turnage Theater with live
performances by the top five finalists.
March 23rd, 2018 will launch our Sixth Annual Pamlico
Writers’ Conference with Keynote Speaker, Shelby Stephenson, 2015 North
Carolina Poet Laureate.
March 24th, 2018 our Sixth Annual Pamlico Writers’
Conference, “Shape Shifting Your Writing: Transforming Your Writing for Other
Successful Markets”
For more information on the
Pamlico Writers’ Group or to become a member go to our:
To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page
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