Grant goes undercover to capture conspirators avowed to murder the prime minister, but his only suspect is the father of a courageous lady who is growing increasingly hard to ignore. He can’t allow Jocelyn to distract him from the case, nor will he taint her with his war-darkened soul. She seems to see past the barriers surrounding his heart, which makes her all the more dangerous to his vow of remaining forever alone.
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5 out of 5 Stars!
I figured that this book would be really
dark because the main male character has such a dark personality. However it wasn’t.
It was really nice to finally be able to see onto the Grant’s past, but it is
revealed at a good pace only giving out the information as needed. You really
feel for him. The main female character Jocelyn is one of my favorites of the whole
series. Mostly because her personality could have been models off me Mum's.
Sweet, kind, wanting to love and care for everyone. Together the main
characters are the perfect fit, I would know, my dad is a grumpy almost scary
man with a heart of gold hidden deep inside and my parents complement each other
perfectly. This may be why I have such a sweet spot for these characters. But
whither this is the reason or not I loved this book. It is well written,
excellent pacing, fully developed characters and a solid plot line. If you have
any interest in this genre then this book is a must read!
I also got a chance to review the whole series!
Meet the Characters:
Always wearing a cheerful and sometimes impish smile, Jocelyn is a
lively blue-eyed blond of about twenty one, who has a lush figure but thinks
she's unfashionably plump.
Tall and dark with serious gray eyes that are often snapping with
sarcasm,Grant is gorgeous but has such a hard edge that he can't be
considered classically handsome. A long, ragged scar mars the entire right
side of his face, giving him a formidable appearance. But on the rare event he
smiles, he transforms into heart-stoppingly stunning.
Gritting his teeth, he determined to survive the
painful ritual of tea with two ladies. He’d faced down enemy soldiers trying to
kill him, watched friends die, met danger head-on with his brothers—witnessed
one of them shot, and one of them hanged and then battle his way back from near
death. Grant had even endured torture and captivity. Surely he could emerge
unscathed from such domestic tranquility. If he hurried. And if he could burrow
more deeply into his role of earl’s son who frequented parlors and ladies and
Softly, slowly, she reached up and touched his scar
with one finger. He held his breath but didn’t pull away. She traced the raised
smooth pink line from the corner of his eye down to his jaw. What would make
such a ragged injury? It looked torn rather than cut with a blade.
Her attention focused on his mouth. Would a man like
him kiss roughly, like his hard exterior, or would he be gentle, like the soft
heart she’d seen in brief glimpses in between the chinks of his emotional
Grant hung back, saying nothing, except a nod when
Jocelyn introduced him. As she spoke to Lucy, Grant picked a tiny wildflower,
crouched down, and presented it solemnly to little Flora. She took it, just as
solemnly, and curtsied. His expression softened. Flora smiled. Two year-old
Mary approached shyly, and did a little twisting kind of dance, chewing her lip
and eyeing Grant expectantly. Kneeling to get eye-level with her, he offered
her a flower as well. She beamed and accepted his gift as if he’d handed her a
His eyes softened and his mouth curved. A smile.
Jocelyn’s heart turned into the consistency of warm
pudding. The crusty Grant Amesbury was gentle with children. And he’d smiled.
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