Run now!

5 out of 5 Stars
This book grabs you the moment you start and takes you on a whirlwind
ride that doesn’t end until the last page. There was barely time to breath
between the action, but somehow you don’t mind. I actually really enjoy the
plot line as well. You always see stories where the main character has special
powers but it is very unusual to have the main character be the one without any
of these traits. I could almost feel her frustration at being the weak and
plain, and it was totally relatable as I think it is in our nature to notice at
other people’s strengths but then only focus on our own weaknesses. I loved the
interaction between the main characters and found myself questioning motives,
and hoping for the best for them all. If you like the Hunger Games you will
love this book. It is a heart pumping, nail biting, sigh worthy story. I look
forward to seeing what comes next.
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Thanks for the great review!!