We are so excited to have Bethany Swafford back for a tour for her amazing book. We had such a great response to her blitz and every so many reviews coming this week from people excited to read her wonderful book. Come join us on the journey!

she doesn’t have pen to paper (or fingertips to laptop keyboard), she can
generally be found with a book in hand. In her spare time, Bethany reviews
books for a book site called More Than A Review.
Connect with the Author here:

5 Out of 5 Stars
I really enjoy Historical Romance particularly from the regency period, so I jumped at the chance to read and review this lovely little book. I was not disappointed! The overall story line was easy to follow and while there was conflict it was still a relaxing book to read. I enjoyed the characters, liking those whom you should like and finding myself disliking those whom you should dislike. I always find it hard when I end up disliking one of the characters I am suppose to be liking but this book delivered. There was adventure and mystery and while it was a novella it packed everything into the narrative without ever feeling forced.
I would highly recommend this to everyone particularly if you would like a quick and easy read full of simple clean romance, adventure and a bit of mystery.
Author Interview
special appearances or events coming up that you want to mention?
Nope. Nothing happening
you could travel to any time in history, when would you visit?
No surprise here: the
Regency era!
you could travel anywhere, on earth or off, where would you go?
Great Britain. Since the
majority of my writing takes place there, I’d like to actually see the places
I’m writing about.
color would you wear if you had only one choice?
Green. It’s my favorite
your dream writing spot.
I would like a small room,
with bookshelves lining each wall. My desk would be in front of a small window
that looks out into a forest (which probably would give me the creeps at night
but I digress) and I would have a plushy chair in a corner for those times when
I procrastinate.

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