Among the books discussed are old favorites (The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson) as well as some indie gems few people will know about (The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz by June Kearns). There are ghost novels for every reader, in genres ranging from historical to literary to romance. "

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5 out of 5 Stars
I have not started reading any Ghost novels but I have
wanted to… the problem is I don’t like really creepy subject matter. So this
book was a heaven sent! I was able to read through all the different sub-genres
and get a great overview of a large collection of books. Some that I found
really fascinating and are now on my “To Read” list and some that I think “Wow
I am really glad that I did not accidentally start my introduction to the Ghost
genre with that book!”
Overall the reviews are thought out and well written, but
they do not reveal the plot, which in my opinion is a MUST for reviews. Also as
I really enjoy just reading blurbs at times (see about me on the side bar) this
book was a perfect mix of information and fulfilling my odd enjoyment of
finding out about a book without reading the whole thing.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves the Ghost
Genre or is looking into finding the perfect book to get you into this genre on
the right foot.
I had great fun dipping into The
20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz by June Kearns. I loved reading
about the main character Gerry draped in her Aunt Leonie 20’s designer fashions
from Patou to Vionnet, embellished with guipure lace and tiny seed pearls,
especially since the creations are ostentatious in Texas and outdated in
England. Gerry often observes herself in social situations overdressed but
outdated and with no alternative since she cannot afford to buy a stitch. Nor
would she if she could, for she never feels closer to her aunt than when she is
wearing her clothes.
This novel will interest
people looking for a clean, no-sex romance and would make a fitting
mother-daughter book club selection. The Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz
is not a chilling novel that will send you scurrying to check the deadbolts.
Instead, you’ll find yourself warmed by non-traditional family ties and the
sparks that fly when romance, along with a high-spirited ghost, is in the air.
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Thank you, Book Bits N Bobs for hosting me today. And thanks for your fantastic review! I love your Cervantes header. That one made me smile.