Christmas with the Black Sheep by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Natalie-Nicole Bates is a book reviewer and author.
Her passions in life include books and hockey along with Victorian and Edwardian era photography and antique poison bottles. Natalie contributes her uncharacteristic love of hockey to being born in Russia.
She currently resides in the UK where she is working on her next book and adding to her collection of 19th century post-mortem photos.
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Amazon Author Central Page

It’s Christmas time, and Eriah Jameson has returned home to restart his family’s business. Due to his wild child past, no one is friendly or welcoming to Barrow Haven’s black sheep.
Aylin Myers lost her job when Eriah’s father took ill. She knows Eriah needs her help getting his business up and running again, but she doesn’t trust him. If he fails, she knows it will dishonor his father’s memory. And Aylin knows that at Christmas, it’s the right thing to help your fellow man—no matter how wretched he might be.
As Aylin gets to know Eriah, she sees a side of him Barrow Haven never saw. That perhaps the black sheep has changed for the better. Still, can she be sure this side of Eriah is real, and not just a facade he’s perfected over time to get his own way?

It’s time for a Snippet!
When she turned around, his lips came down upon hers. Soft,
searching, her hand went to his cold cheek. Almost instantly, she reminded
herself of what transpired between them the day before. But her heart…her
heart…overrode her mind’s stern warnings.
Then her mind won
out over her heart. She broke the kiss, and turned away from him. “I’m not
starting this all over again with you. I’m not getting hurt.”
And a great Author Q&A!
What is your favorite part of writing?
Watching the story unfold as I write it, watching the
characters grow and change.
Is there a message in your novel that you want
readers to grasp?
That no matter what is thrown at
you, there is always a way out there to defeat it. It might not be how you
originally envisioned, but nothing is hopeless.
Do you recall how your interest in writing
I’ve always had a keen interest
in writing. When I made the decision to actually write, is after I had been a
reviewer for an extended period of time, and I thought to myself, ‘I can do
Give us an insight into how your writing
day/time is structured?
Generally, I try to get done any
promotion, email, and all writing related things that are not actual writing
done during the day. I do my actual writing at night.
Did you learn anything from writing your book
and what was it?
Just that everyone’s situation
in life is different, we all have a story to tell whether in life or through
our characters.
What is the thing you struggle with the most
while writing? And how do you defeat it?
Balance. I’ve been published now
for four years, and I find it a struggle sometimes to balance life, writing and

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