Lets start out learning a bit about these two fabulous books in this Chronicles

Regeneration X
Regeneration X is a story about having choices and dealing with the consequences; creating new memories and letting others fade; and making sacrifices in pursuit of happiness.
At one time or another, you’ve probably said or thought, “In hindsight, …” So, what happens when To have been, becomes something that can be changed?
In the not too distance future, Charley faces a hard choice: whether or not to follow her long since abandoned dreams. Journey with her on a quest, and you’ll be asking, “If I could change the past, would I?” Delve into this simple question, because one day soon, you too, may have that chance. Our world is flying forward—fast; would you glide, or take the risk and soar?
To be or to have been ... THAT is the question.

Consequently, Emery is also quietly learning just what it means to be the daughter of a martyred woman. Undoubtedly, she bears a strong resemblance to her mother, but more than auburn hair and expressive facial features, Emery would like to believe she’s inherited the same strength of character as well. And yet, believing and knowing are entirely separate matters.
Since everything changes with time—in varying degrees—and destiny often unfolds a plan unforeseen, Emery may just find the opportunity to test her belief. In fact, the entire human population will come face to face with their true inheritance.
The question is how this legacy will be received. For the future is inevitable, this much is certain. Lest we forget, the mere passage of time does not come with it the entitlement to life. To live and prosper is a path that is earned, but mankind has seemingly forgotten this. Can Emery remind the world that survival requires conscious effort? Will Emery and her friends, Cassidy, a fellow chronicler, Liam, a brilliant engineer, and Aiden, a reserved mediator be enough to save the oblivious many?
Purchase Progeny here: Universal Amazon Link

Raised in Chicago, she relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she currently lives with her husband and three beastly, furry children.
She is a writer of fiction and poetry and the internationally published author of Regeneration X.
Connect with Ellison Blackburn here:
Author Top
ten List
Smell of lilac
Happy animals
Jane Austen
Pink Floyd
Reading a good book
Lord of the Rings movies
10. W.H. Auden poem, Stop all the
Excerpt From RegenerationX
Baum surprised her and suddenly she was glad of his uncommon techniques; her
general discomfort was forgotten. Inez was right; he was very good. He didn’t
tell her what she wanted to hear, exactly,
nor did he just sit around, passively listening, waiting for her to reveal some
deep down mental issue. She hadn’t mentioned the painting was based on a dream,
but he had made another of those almost psychic connections.
in mind his comment about depressing thoughts potentially becoming habitual,
Charley offered the following and hoped it wasn’t self-deprecating: “I feel as
if the things I want from life are out of my control; chances have passed and
now I just have to deal with the result of the ill-informed or the
ill-prepared-for choices I’ve made. I don’t feel I’m unhappy; I’m just not
motivated or content with a good part of my life.
of work I spend a good deal more time ruminating about one thing or another.
Thinking, thinking and doing nothing. If I am being completely honest, I admit
I create projects for distraction, which seems to give me a mental break for a
short time, until I come up with something else to do. It’s a little
obvious—even my husband jokes about it. And I have problems falling asleep. My
dreams are strange and I wake up unaware of my surroundings.”
“I see.
Your mind is very active, but you are not. We’ll get to the details later. For
now, tell me of a time when you felt in control of your life and your ability
to make life-altering choices. You can start anywhere—a memory of a particular
moment you revisit frequently.”
Excerpt From Progeny
“Emery. I’m not surprised to see
you, but glad anyway,” Liam greets pushing large fingers through his strawberry
blond hair. He is rather attractive, in a scruffy, burly way—he definitely
doesn’t look to be the brainiac that he is, instead projecting more the look of
a lumberjack—tall, over six feet, broad-shouldered and muscular under the
questionable outfit of a red plaid shirt, ragged jeans, and orange construction
“I’d see you a bit more often if
you ever came out of your cave,” I smile in return.
Liam’s studio slash lab is in
basement level of the Union Station building. It is a typical industrial space
boxed in by concrete walls about twenty feet tall and supported by exposed
steel girders and beams. Although it appears empty, it’s in fact filled with
science equipment and long tables of concrete slab off to the sides and at the
back. As I look over his shoulder into the vast space, there isn’t a cushy,
inviting piece of furniture in sight. He grins knowingly as he stands in the
doorway and then steps aside to let me walk past him into the cavern. My
shoulder brushes his chest and briefly, I feel the solid strength that I had
suspected lay underneath his clothes. In as brief an instant I also feel him
tense against my grazing touch.
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