Buried in our soul forever, there is a piece of us that has not as yet been activated. That piece is the lost consciousness, the missing link guiding us to wholeness. As human beings, we have sought wholeness and connection with each other in the best way we know how by mimicking and emulating Source as we understand it.

Natalie Kawai has found the key to completing that process. In Conversations With Mother Goddess, she shares what she has learned through her dialogues with the Great Mother of Creation. Part explanation of humanity’s origins, and part conversation about how humanity can move into a new and complete future, this book will bend your mind in new and surprising ways, preparing it for the next step in your soul’s evolution.
Discover the part of you that you have always been yearning for, but never knew how to find. Join others in this exciting journey to restore harmony, creativity, and peace in all of us. Then prepare yourself to help bring about Heaven on Earth! It will happen if we all make the effort….

Top Ten List:
1. Tuberoses,
orange and pink
2. thrillers with steam intense passion and emotions
3. Hawaii
4. Meryl Streep
5. Alex Mc Laughlin from Hawaii five-0 ( hi… hi)
6. La Reina del Sur
7. Shaw-shank redemption
8. Thelma & Louise
9. Legends of the Fall
10. Spy Game.
Is there a difference between destiny and creation, and can we
create our destiny?
You can create your destiny to a degree. It depends on the amount of
determination and power you deploy, which means the energy at hand coming from
your essence, your ego, and your patterns. But there is a destiny that you
cannot detour from, and that is the one of your soul agreements. When you make
a soul agreement, you have to go along with it no matter what, whether now or
later. It is a decision coming from you and you only, when you were in full
consciousness with your Source and had the global picture of your life, as well
as life in general on the planet. A soul agreement is the most powerful element
in someone’s life.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Official Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1625595241043601/
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