See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here: http://www.caspeace.com/cas- peace/the-wheel-will-turn
Taran Elijah's quest for knowledge
uncovers a plot that threatens the world...
In Albia, the fourth realm, the precious Artesan gift is dying. Although born
to the craft, Taran is struggling to achieve his potential. Against his
friends' advice, he embarks on a foolhardy plan to acquire the teaching he
craves. Alone, he crosses into Andaryon, the fifth realm, but instead of finding
a mentor, he stumbles upon a treacherous plot.
In the wake of Taran's actions, Albia suffers a series of vicious raids. Major
Sullyan of the High King's forces is sent to oppose them. But a dark and
treacherous force is moving through the realms and both Taran and Sullyan will
feel its power.
Q&A With the Author:
1. When did you start writing, and was
there a specific event or person who influenced you to become an author? I
have always loved writing and used to write poems and short stories when I was
a child. But my serious writing didn’t start until the late 90s, after my
husband and I returned from a few years living in Italy. I didn’t have a job
and found myself bored one cold, wet December afternoon. I began writing out a
small scene I’d had in my head since watching a kid’s TV program in the 70s
(called Tarot, Ace of Wands), and that seemed to open floodgates I didn’t know
existed. It turned into my triple-trilogy fantasy series, Artesans of Albia,
and in case anyone’s interested, the actual scene became Taran’s first meeting
with Major Sullyan.
2. Are you currently working on a project, and if so, can
you tell us anything about it? I’m currently working on a prequel to my Artesans series that will
relate Sullyan’s early life and how she became the powerful Artesan she is. It
will be aimed at the YA market and is around halfway complete at this stage.
3. What is your favorite writing snack? Has
to be chocolate, I’m afraid. Milk, not dark (too bitter for me), and I really
love Belgian chocolates, especially the red Lindt balls!
4. If you could have dinner with any of
your characters, which ones would you choose? Why? What food would you serve? Well,
it’s no secret that only one of my characters is based on a real person, and
that is King Elias Rovannon, who is based on UK actor Sean Bean’s portrayal of
the Bernard Cornwell soldier, Richard Sharpe. So I would love to have dinner
with Sean Bean, primarily to ask hm f he would do the voice of Elias in the
audiobook versions of my novels! I have no idea what kind of food Sean likes,
but I love Italian, so I’d most likely cook something pasta-based. I also do a
mean lime cheesecake for dessert!
5. Did you learn anything from writing
your book and what was it? I learned a huge amount from writing my
books as I started from the bottom with only my High School English education
to call on. I learned about POV (Point of View), how to structure a story, and
also about rejection once I started sending my first book out. But I also
learned how supportive and helpful people in the writing industry can be if
approached in the right way. I also learned things about myself – most
worryingly that I seem to have quite a dark side! One of the reviews of my
final trilogy, Master of Malice, says that I go places that George R R Martin
(Game of Thrones) didn’t dare go!
6. How do you relax, or what do you enjoy
doing when you are not writing? I’m a singer/songwriter as well as a
novelist and have written and recorded songs to accompany five of my fantasy
novels, so singing is a wonderful way to switch off. I’m a member of a Shanty
group, http://www.shantyhounds.co.uk/ and enjoy performing and raising money
for charity. I have two rescue dogs that I love walking, and I also grow a
large amount of cacti. My husband and I own a powerboat, a Nelson 38 called Sea
Hound, and we love taking off round the Solent for day trips or longer.
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