The Crazy Cady Sisters have known each other all their lives. With 179 years of accumulated life-experience, we are well versed in Cady-isms.
Between the four of us, we’ve experienced:
· 22 children acquired in a variety of ways (marriage, birth, adoption, etc)
· 5 1/2 grandchildren
· Lived in 5 different states
· One of us went to college to be a concert pianist.
· On of us thought about going to college to be a concert pianist.
· One of us is an addictions counselor.
· One of us is addicted to diet soda.
· Volunteer for 8+ organizations
· 1 lived above a mortuary
· 1 was chased by a K-9 unit while toilet papering.
· 3 of us were homeless for 2.5 months while we toured the United States.
· 1 of us can say the Pledge of Allegiance in three different languages.
· We sold rocks door to door.
· 1 used to transcribe the newspaper into the computer when she got bored.
· Are joint owners of
In March, 2017 we decided to band together to form Crazy Cady Sisters to co-author a hilariously heart-warming non-fiction story about parenting, child-rearing, and growing up in a family with ten children.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And in the Cady household that means kicking your creativity into high gear.

Follow our family as we recount some of our favorite, least-favorite, and downright bizarre stories of parenting and growing up in a family with ten siblings! We'll add a touch of nostalgia by focusing entirely on our favorite holiday of the year: CHRISTMAS!
5 Fun Facts or Top 5 Favorite Things:
1. I was once in an avalanche during a school field trip.
2. I am deathly afraid of heights, including standing on chairs.
3. My favorite candy bar is a Babe Ruth, followed by Snickers.
4. I am a voracious reader, frequently reading a book in a single day (or night).
5. I once studied to be a nurse, even though I loath needles.
1. Used to be a JROTC colonel in high school & turned down an appointment to one of the top military academies.
2. I love volleyball.
3. I love to learn new things (pottery, gunsmithing, triathlon, skydiving, and knitting are on my bucket list!)
4. I’m a massive introvert.
5. I write mystery games for
1. Beagles
2. Volleyball
3. Leading the choir
4. Typing
5. Trying new recipes
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