many hats. We need courage to face our challenges and commitments. In Song
of Solomon 4, Solomon ascribes the essences of his locked garden to the
courageous woman he has taken as his wife. This inspirational study will
provide an opportunity for you to discover:
• The secrets of the fruit, spices, and essential oils in Solomon’s locked garden.
• A deeper meaning of these fruits, spices and essential oil essences in Scripture by studying different women in the Bible.
• How others learn through their struggles and triumphs when you meet Cinnamah-Brosia and the women with whom she does life.
• Encouragement to allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the essence of courage in your heart.
• Fun facts about the spices and essential oils, along with ways for you to
enjoy incorporating reminders of the fruit they represent into your life.

home is filled with handmade treasures and lots of love for family, especially their five beautiful (of course) grandchildren.
Connect with the Author here:
Chapter 3
Cinnamah-Brosia and Friends
Share about Peace
Diffusing Today: Spikenard and Lavender
Aromatic Influence: These outdoorsy and floral aromas may help provide a
spiritually uplifting and peaceful feeling in the room.
Daily Delight: Cherry Crumb Coffee Cake
Musically: You Lift Me Up (Celtic Women) Verse of the Day:
The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His
people with peace.
(Psalm 29:11, NASB)
“Jesus’ peace. It fell on me like a warm
velvet robe in the ER waiting room and never left. I knew where Ben was going when he died. He
didn’t always believe, but many years ago – your mom was a teenager then – God
gave your Gramps a second chance, and he’d taken it. God will take care of me.
I have His peace and His joy,” she assured me.
I’ll never forget those words the day
Gramps passed on to be with Jesus. I had only known him as the kindly man that
bounced me on his knee, taught me to fsh and grow tomatoes, caught lightening
bugs with me, and read stories to me before Gram tucked me in on summer nights.
I missed him terribly, but not nearly as much as I knew she would. Everything
in Gram’s life was changing. There would be storms ahead, but she kept her
voice lifted in praise:

I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me, And purchased my pardon on
Calvary’s tree;
That was ffteen years ago. Gram kept the café open. It would keep her
focus on others instead of her new reality – life without the man she had loved
for ffty years. Gram still had lots of spunk, but a little help to keep it all
running smoothly was essential.
Jeremy and I faced a crossroads in our
life, with few prospects. We chose to come “home.” Jeremy joined his dad in his
business. Their new partnership blessed both of them and our whole family. Gram
delighted in my assistance to continue the work she loved.
My own children grew up spending lots
of time hanging out here, experiencing Gram’s kindness and gentleness like I
had. I watched her manage well, overcoming her fears with unexplainable peace
and joy every day. Her gift of encouragement flowed freely and blessed many.
I was sharing all this with our Tuesday
night group shortly after my own daughter and I had renovated and reopened as
Cinnamah-Brosia’s Coffee Cottage and Gift Shop. Most of the ladies had been
regulars here since childhood. All listened intently as, one by one, the ladies
shared their stories of Gram’s peaceful spirit affecting their lives. Carol
went frst.
“When we lost our baby at just two
months old, Miss Dot crocheted a blanket to wrap her tiny body. Tucked inside her soft and
cuddly handiwork was a silver cross with a Scripture attached. I treasure it
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed
in spirit. (Psalm 34:18, NIV)
Melanie spoke up next. “My parents and I really clashed on so many
things when I was a teen – that might be an understatement. Miss Dot believed
in me when I believed no one else did. I accepted her invitation to help here
after school. As we worked, she shared her own challenges as a young woman. She
encouraged me to align my choices with God’s Word and obey my parents. There’s
a special Scripture she gave me, too. ‘Focus on the promise of this Word and
living it, too; and blessings of joy and peace will abound in your life,’ she
said. She was right.”
Children, do what your parents tell you. This is only right. “Honor your
father and mother” is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it,
namely, so you will live well and have a long life.
(Ephesians 6:1-3, MSG)
Gram believed God: she and her family were doubly clothed. Their
physical needs were met. She prayed a spiritual cover over them every day, then
shared Jesus every chance she found. Countless times she spoke the words of the
Peacemaker, and lives changed. I’m sure she claimed this promise often:
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as
the world gives.
Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.
(John 14:26-28, HCSB)
With fear and trembling rather than tranquility in our hearts, it’s
challenging to fnd courage to make a difference for others. Many broken lives
await Jesus’ peace and a touch of kindness. Our little group knelt together in
Father God – giver of every perfect
gift, help us hold each other accountable. Open our eyes to the people around us
desperate for Your touch. Give us courage and boldness to offer Your love, not
knowing the reception our words and deeds will receive. Cover our families with
Your peace just like Miss Dot’s warm, velvet robe. Let it invade our own
stress. Enable us to reach out in the practical and kind ways, the same as Miss
Dot always did . . .
So quiet except for tears, until one
voice broke the silence and we all joined in.
My Jesus I love Thee….[2]
[1]Featherston, William R., My Jesus I Love Thee, 1864, (Public
Domain) [2]Featherston, William R., My
Jesus I Love Thee, 1864, (Public Domain)
The Essence of Spikenard in Scripture
What is Your Spikenard?
Botanical name: Nardostachys jatamansi; fragrant oil steam-distilled
from the roots; native to India
"Ewww.... that smells like my
closet floor with all my dirty clothes and smelly socks!" That was one
young lady's spontaneous reaction as my husband shared spikenard with his ffth
grade Sunday school class. The day's lesson: Mary anointing Jesus’ head. We can
be sure the aroma of a full pint of the oil flled the room. Shooey!!!
The cost – not the aroma – alarmed the
disciples (especially Judas, the one who later betrayed Him for personal
fnancial gain). The others’ concerns acknowledged the fact spikenard sold for a
handsome price, and the money could help the poor. There was surely a better
use for the resource than pouring a whole pint of expensive oil on someone's
Considering the cost and undeterred by
their criticism, razzing and complaints, Mary chose to serve Jesus. She
believed He was the most valuable investment opportunity in her life. Hindsight
tells us she was absolutely correct!
Using spikenard for its comforting and calming scent and its potentially
helpful topical support for healthy-looking skin was common frst century
practice. Passover was just two days away. Jesus was quickly approaching His
death and resurrection. Prophets foretold the deep stress and painful wounds he
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our
iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds
we are healed.
(Isaiah 53:5, NIV)
Mary may have known Scriptures
foretelling the abuse he would face, but she would not have made the imminent
connection. Jesus Himself recognized exactly what lay ahead. He assured them, “By
pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she has prepared Me for
burial." (Matthew 26:12)
A pint of pure 'nard' represented a
year's wages for a common worker. For a woman of ill repute, it was her life
and livelihood. Recognizing her unworthiness and seeing Him as The Priceless
Treasure worth seeking at any cost, Mary gave everything to the One who was
about to give His life for her.
"By pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she has prepared Me for
burial. I assure you: Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world,
what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her."
(Matthew 26:12, 13) See also: Mark 14:3-9
Breaking open that full jar of oil
would have contributed to a peaceful atmosphere for all that were present.
Considering the conflict that arose, Mary may have been the subject of the
controversy in this scene, but she may well have provided the antidote too.
Centuries earlier Solomon observed,
noted, and experienced the fruit of an intimate relationship with God in the
life of his bride and included spikenard – an aroma of peace and calming – in
his garden descriptive.
When serving others, you lead with your
heart. The act of serving is known to reduce stress and mild depression, and
even make us happier. That sounds like a recipe for greater peace in our lives;
and serving the poor, the naked, the stranger in need is seeing and serving
Jesus. Serving is many times smelly at best. When we recognize our
unworthiness, we see Jesus as The Priceless Treasure worth the cost and the
stench. What is your spikenard? What
represents your life and a huge sacrifce if asked to pour it out for
Jesus? Knowing your future may be affected and/or your action may draw heavy
criticism, could you do it? Would you fnd the courage to do it? Do you see how,
like Mary, your actions could bring much needed peace in that moment?
A Woman of the Bible Displays the Fruit
The Lady with the Peace Symbol
Peace is a belief that exhales. Because you believe that God’s provision
is everywhere – like air. [1]
~~Ann Voskamp
Peace symbols everywhere . . .the sign
of the times! That symbol made its debut in 1958. Very young children then, but
as teens in the late 1960s the boomers (my generation) embraced the upside down
“Y” and the two-fnger greeting. We searched for elusive peace in all the wrong
places. The symbol became as familiar as the school bell signaling the start of
a new day. We longed for a new day of peace.
The Vietnam Conflict (never ofcially declared a war) raged on and on.
The three big networks’ six and ten o'clock electronic scrapbooks broadcast
this unpopular battle into our homes every evening. The United States alone
lost 58,220 lives. Thousands more were seriously injured. These were our
siblings and friends. A tumbler bearing the theme of the day – “War is not
healthy for children and other living things” – is all that remains of my
personal artifacts. It holds pens, pencils, and a few strange memories as it
keeps silent watch on my desk.
The peace symbol recently emerged in a
huge comeback. I asked my grandchildren what history they knew of that sign
they loved to draw and wear. Not much, but their generation is in need of
peace, too. Wars, on one stage or another, from domestic to global in scope,
rage on today. Their lives and ours are affected.
The symbol's history dates back to the
early days of the nuclear war threats.[2] Theories exist of
roots in some heathen rituals as well. The concept of peace and the desire for
peace were not new as the boomer generation came of age, and it's not new
today. Peace is elusive, and the sign is just a sign. It attracts attention,
but doesn't end war and conflict. Unrest entered the world with Adam and Eve’s
sinful choice in the garden. It intensifed when their son, Cain, murdered his
brother, Abel. War and Peace claims high ranking on the list of longest
novels ever written. Wars have punctuated all of mortal history, and they will
until Jesus comes back for His bride.
Deborah, one of the greatest
peacemakers in all of Scripture, knew a thing or two about war and peace! A
prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, and a judge in Israel, Deborah regularly
communed with God. She shared the wisdom He entrusted to her. As God directed,
she summoned Israelite military leader, Barak, with these words:
“Hasn't the Lord the
God of Israel, commanded you: 'Go deploy the troops on
Mount Tabor, and take with you 10,000 men from the Naphtalites and Zebulunites.
Then I will lure Sisera commander of Jabin's forces, his chariots, and his army
at the Wadi Kishon to fight against you, and I will hand him over to you.'”
(Judges 4:6-7)
Hesitant Barak would only go if Deborah
went, too. Really? The request surely gained this lily-liver a royal roasting
around the campfre for many years to come. Whatever grief this decision earned
him, Deborah agreed to go. God warned Barak through her:
“I will go with you,”
she said, “but you will receive no honor on the road you
are about to take, because the Lord will sell Sisera into a woman's hand.”
(Judges 4:9)
Deborah delivered the orders. She,
Barak, and the army moved forward. Not one of Sisera's men was left – only
Sisera. True to Deborah's words of warning from the Lord, Sisera himself fell
at the hands of a woman. This scaredy cat ran to a home he believed safe. Jael
greeted him, invited him in, and played the most gracious hostess. When he fell
asleep – boom, he was dead! She nailed a tent peg right through his head!
Barak worried about the instructions he received from God. The odds were
poor, and he lacked trust for a good outcome. Deborah knew no worry at all. She
prayed. God spoke to her clearly. She trusted His guidance, and responded with
courage. Deborah's calm in the midst of the storm and Jael's quick thinking
landed this Israeli battle in the victory column with a capital V.
Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and
petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the
peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)
There was great joy in Israel that day
in answer to Deborah’s prayers! Centuries later Jesus – same yesterday, today,
and tomorrow – would make this promise:
Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will
receive, so that your joy may be made full.
(John 16:24, NASB)
In Philippians, Paul instructed that
making our requests known to God brings peace. Where we have peace, we also
have joy. The Greek word used to tell us the peaceful fragrance of Mary's
spikenard “flled” the room is the same Greek word Jesus used to tell us that,
through our communication and relationship with Him, our joy would be made
Deborah and Barak's full joy in God's
victory spilled over as they sang and praised Him for the full 31 verses of
Judges 5. The chapter closes, “And the land was peaceful 40 years.
Not just wars, but personal struggles,
relationship challenges, family disputes, corporate politics, church
disagreements, neighborhood battles, and more complicate our lives every day.
Are you more likely to be a part of the peaceful solution when you fnd yourself
in struggles like these, or do your actions add to the drama? God desires for
our lives to be joyful, because peace then resides in our hearts. When you see
a peace symbol, think of spikenard; inhale its earthy scent. Ask Jesus to go in
front of you and behind you. The victory is His, and an eternity of peace
awaits you.
1. Voskamp, Ann, Unwrapping
the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas, (Carol Stream,
Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 2014) page 44.
2. “The Origin of the
Peace Symbol: A History of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) Logo,” Docs
Populi, http://www.docspopuli.org/articles/PeaceSymbolArticle.html
Spikenard Essence Droplets
She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all in her
household are doubly clothed.
(Proverbs 31:21)
Fun Facts about Spikenard
Spikenard has become an endangered species. It is often harvested with
little consideration for proper steps to assure its sustainability. [1]
The entire plant is very fragrant, which is spikenard's defensive system
to fght bacteria and insects.
It was common in Biblical times to preserve spikenard in an alabaster
box. Mary brought it exactly this way when she anointed Jesus feet.
Spikenard essential oil is very thick. Colors range from amber to green
to deep blue. Green is considered higher quality. [4]
Humility™, a proprietary blend from Young Living Essential Oils™,
contains spikenard. Without humility there is little peace.
Your turn
– The lyrics of the song “Alabaster Box” (CeCe Winans)
beautifully portray the peace that surpasses understanding, poured out with the
spikenard in Mary's alabaster box. Use your search engine to fnd the lyrics to
this song. Download it from your music app store. Or perhaps it's already in
your collection. Take the time to listen, and be refreshed in the powerful
– Mix spikenard and lavender essential oils with aloe Vera for an after
sun spray. Use approximately 2 ounces aloe Vera gel, 10-12 drops of lavender,
and 2-3 drops of spikenard.
– Diffuse spikenard essential oil coupled with another oil or two of
your choice. Spikenard blends well with lavender, cistus, patchouli, pine, and
– Find a pint container of your choice to represent an alabaster box.
Fill it with Scriptures and sayings about peace. When you or your friend needs
encouragement, these inspirational notes will be at your fngertips.
“Spikenard,” Only Foods, http://www.onlyfoods.net/spikenard.html
“Spikenard,” Only Foods, http://www.onlyfoods.net/spikenard.html
The Coat of Arms of Pope Francis, Libreria Editrice Vaticana,
[4] “Spikenard Organic Essential Oil,” Victorie, Inc.,
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