In 2007 – after marriage, filling her chronic entrepreneurial needs, and having five children – Bernadette began to write seriously with the goal of being published. That year she wrote 12 books. In 2009 she was contracted for her first trilogy and the published author was born. In 2011 she (being the entrepreneur that she is) opened her own publishing house, 5 Prince Publishing, and has released contemporary titles and has begun the process of taking on other authors in other genres.
Bernadette spends most of her free time driving her kids to their many events. She is also an accomplished martial artist, working her way to her second degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. An avid reader she loves to meet readers who enjoy reading contemporary romances and she always promises Happily Ever After.
Connect with the Author here:

Time For a Snippet!
He’d be gone in a week she reminded herself when the thought
about making a move on him entered her mind. Long distance never worked, and
she wouldn’t do it again. He’d be nice eye candy for the next week. She could
live with that.
Gia walked around the counter and stood next to him. He was
much taller, but she liked that feeling of having a protector, though she
certainly didn’t need one. She rested her hands on his shoulders and lifted up
on her toes to press a gentle kiss to his cheek. “You are more than forgiven.”
His eyes were wide, and she liked that she surprised him. As she lowered, his
hands came to her waist. “That was nice.” “It was nice.” His eyes were
searching hers, and she wondered if she were conveying exactly what she needed.
She liked him. She really liked him. Friends were fine, but deep in her gut she
wondered if there might be something more. Dane took a breath as though he were
going to say something, but instead he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.
At first, she expected that he was simply taking the peck she’d given him on
the cheek, just a little deeper, but she was wrong. A moment later his hands
moved from her waist, and his arms pulled her in closer as he wrapped them
around her—his lips still pressed firmly to hers. She inched back up on her
toes and draped her arms around his neck, leaning into him. His kiss softened
and soon his mouth opened to her and he took possession. Her heart began to
beat in the same rhythm as his—she could feel it from his chest to hers. The
protective grasp he had on her loosened as one of his hands moved up her back
to the nape of her neck.
Dear God, he knew how to hold a woman, she thought as she
sank into the kiss that was squeezing her insides tight. Only the sound of the
bell above the door had them pulling apart and the slight gasp from the man
that walked in. Dane winced. “Are you freaking following me?” he asked as he
eased his hands from her and she stood back trying to ease her head from
spinning. They both looked at Russell standing in the doorway, a bouquet of
flowers in his hand, and a devastated look on his face. “Guess I should have
called,” he said gruffly. “It is nice to see you, Russell. What can I do for
you?” “Nothing. I was just in the area and saw these,” he said holding out the
flowers. “I thought you might like them. They’d go nice in your store.” Gia
moved to him and took the gift. “Thank you. They are lovely.” “I’ll leave you
two at it then,” his voice shook as he turned to walk out the door. Gia turned
to Dane, who let out a breath. “I’ll get him.” Dane went after him leaving her
alone with a heart that hadn’t quite stopped racing and a bouquet of beautiful
flowers in her hand. ~*~ Dane nearly had to run after his brother he was
walking so fast. “Hey!” he yelled, but Russ kept going. Finally, he caught up
to him and with his hand on his shoulder, turned him around. “What’s up with
you?” Russ shrugged off his hand. “Don’t let me bother you. You were busy. Go
back and finish what you were doing.” “What the hell are you so mad about?” “Nothing,”
he said and hurried toward his truck. But Dane was right on his heels. “Don’t
be an ass. What’s wrong with you?” “Remember that you don’t live here, right?
So waltzing in and taking the most eligible, most beautiful woman off the
market is a crappy thing to do.” “I beg your pardon?” “You heard me. I live
here. She lives here. We were getting along just fine before you came along.”
“Getting along? Are you telling me you’re seeing Gia? Is that what you’re
saying?” His brother looked away for a moment then back at him. “No.” “Oh, so
you’re just pissed I got to her first.” Russ stepped in until they were nearly
chest to chest with each other. Dane didn’t remember the two inches Russ grew
more than him, but now he saw them. “Don’t worry, though. I’ll pick up the
pieces when you break her heart and go back to your little job.” He couldn’t
help it Dane shoved him against the truck. “I don’t think she’s a piece of
property that can be claimed with finder’s keepers.” Russ shoved back and even
raised his fist to him before they both realized that Gia was standing there
watching with a hand over her mouth and the bag of gifts for their mother. Russ
lowered his hand, opened the door to the truck, and a moment later he sped
away. Dane scrubbed his hand over his face. “Damn it.” “You forgot these,” she
said holding the bag out to him. He took the bag from her. “I’m sorry about
“You have to go after him. You have to fix this.” “Fix this?
He will be fine. He’s a grown man and he doesn’t need…” She held up both her
hands. “Fix it, Dane. You cannot let him go on like this. Especially when there
is nothing to be upset about. The kiss…well…the kiss was only…” He stepped in.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to discredit that.” “I will not come between
brothers.” “So you and him…” “No. We are just friends.” “You said that to me
too.” “Do not turn this on me.” Out of frustration, he pulled his keys from his
pocket. “I’ll go after him and talk to him. Can I see you tonight.”
“Bachelorette party. You worry about Russell.” “This sucks,” he groaned as he
drug his fingers through his hair. “Good bye, Dane,” she said as she turned
around and marched back to her store. He watched her walk away and that amazing
feeling that had been stirring inside of him when he’d kissed her felt like
lead now in his gut. The Lord giving and his damn brother taketh away. Maybe it
had been a mistake he thought as he walked to his mother’s car and opened the
door. A few more days and he’d leave, returning to his miserable life, but with
out such distractions.
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